Friday, April 19, 2013

Easter Email Correspondense

On Mar 31, 2013, at 8:29 PM, Mike Longenecker wrote:

Hi Becca,

I thought of you today. I wish you could have been here with us. Jenna and Sarah are making Easter eggs and then planning to watch Les Mis.

I was reading the paper and saw the attached photo from Jerusalem old city. That would have been fun to see. Do they do the same thing in Nazareth?

I hope you're having a nice Easter.

Love you,


Hey Dad,
I wish I could be home for Easter too. I was feeling homesick for the annual Easter breakfast and service at church this morning at 5:40 when we left to hike up Mt Precipice for the sunrise. Linford overestimated our group's ability to speed walk at 6am and underestimated the length of the hike we were making to a nearby hill, so we practically had to run there uphill half asleep. That's all we did for Easter here. The Christian community in Israel is Orthodox, almost exclusively, so they aren't celebrating Easter this weekend. And we're in Nazareth, which is a predominantly Muslim city, so it's been an uneventful Easter. The picture from the paper is actually something we saw a couple times in the Old City. Pilgrims come to visit Jerusalem and carry a cross down the Via Dolorosa (the way of suffering), which I think at one point was believed to be the road that Jesus carried his cross down, but there's a more up to date theory on the table about where that happened now. Anyway, those groups were really frustrating clogging up the market when we were trying to get from appointment to appointment the week we stayed at Ecce Homo.
I'm currently finishing up my thesis paper about Palestinian and Israeli culture. It's due before we leave for Turkey tomorrow night at 12pm. We fly out of Tel Aviv airport at 5am for Istanbul and then fly from there to Eastern Turkey somewhere. It's going to be a long day. But after just 6 days in Turkey, it's off to Greece and then Italy and then HOME! I can't wait to see you all. Pass on a hello and a hug to everyone for me.
Love you,

Sent from my iPod

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