Thursday, April 12, 2012

The New Fish, Mufasa

All that she can think about today
is fish. 
It's not a good enough reason
to skip class --
for most people,
but anything is a reason to skip
when you're Laura. 
She sits on her stool,
perched at eye level 
with the Betta,

He looks terribly angry!
What an unfortunate configuration
for a face.
Then again, 
he is only a fish,
and there are no other fish for him 
to impress.
Why not have an unfortunately configured face
if you're going to be alone?
Oh, it's not so bad really.

Someone would love him.
Maybe she should buy him a mate.
Mail order bride
for the fish,
Ha! That makes her laugh.
When she pokes her finger into the water
for him to come 
and kiss
with his fish lips
as, she's told, fish do,
he convulses,
hitting glass and splashing water.
Could it have been real anger 
in his eyes?
He's only a fish.


You would not believe 
how hurtful
the darting spastic 
movement of a fish
can be. 
Laura is embarrassed by 
Mufasa's rejection
of her pinky finger.

She returns to her desk,
back to
so that she can't see him.


If you talk to plants,
it's said 
that they'll grow.
Laura believes, it is the plant's 
way of expressing love.
Perhaps a fish can show love too.
And perhaps Mufasa will learn to love
if she talks to him
the way she talks to her plants.
So Laura tries,
nervous --
Talking is hard enough with people...

After the awkwardness 
of the first broken silence is over,
she begins to enjoy it. 
No excessive nodding, needless smiles
"Uh-huh"s and "Mmm-hmm"s 
from a fish.
He just floats,
almost transfixed.
She sings to
songs from Sunday school,
long forgotten
somehow surfacing again
provoked by her tender feelings
toward the fish,

He swims towards her
a little
from his previous spot,
plastered against the wall of the tank
furthest from her.
She smiles.
He plasters himself back to the wall
refusing to look at her again.
How dare she think
that a few songs
will win the friendship
of Mufasa!

"This has been good."
She stands
ready to walk back
to her desk.
"We'll talk again soon,"
and she leaves him
for today.

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